Thursday, 1 November 2007

When your pants are down,be carefull of spiders

Hi, to you all again.I had this guy about 24 years old & had to drive him from Brighton to Kent.He told me of a time he met this spunky woman on her hen night out.They got on so well everything just seamed to click for them. It was a hot night in Sydney Australia,so they went out side into the garden to cool off. One thing led to another & he started to make love to her on the ground,between some small bushes. He had his jeans arround his nees & just started to slide his willy into her,when he was bitten on the sesticle by something. In the darkness they could not see what had bitten him.The pain was getting very insense,he was starting to panic & started crying out take me to hospital,the girl was trying to keep him quiet,as she did not want to be seen with her jeans off & him with his jeans down & holding his sesticles. People started comingout of the house to see what all the noise was about & saw them still half undressed.He was raced off to hospital,it turned out he had been bitten by a Red Back spider. Not deadly enough to kill you,but can make you quiet sick.
He was very lucky,he was only out of action for a few weeks,but the womans husband to be found out & cancelled the wedding.Just be carefull where you pull your pants down & who with.

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